Ayurvedic Summer Diet

During Summer season, our body tries to maintain its normal functioning by regulating various metabolic activities. Due to the intense Sun rays, there will be change in Dosha levels in our body where the rise in temperature of the  environment would cause decrease of Kapha and increase of VataTo cope up with this, there are certain diets and regimens we could follow. Generally foods which are sweet, light, unctuous, cold and liquid are recommended. Here are some foods and drinks which possess these qualities and its uses according to Ayurveda.

Green gram soup/Curry

Clean and soak the green gram for at least  2 hours. Boil it for 10 minutes with water and salt. You may add Turmeric powder if you like. Once boiled add some chopped Onion and some Coconut oil for flavor.

Green gram is good for health and is cold in potency. It is useful for those who have undergone detoxification therapies. It is easy to digest and mitigates the problems associated with blood.

Boiled Rice with Chicken soup

White boiled rice is suitable for daily consumption. It is natural coolant and easy to digest. It provides strength and nourishes the body. It is unctuous and sweet with a mild astringent taste.

Ayurveda suggests eating meat in certain conditions. Chicken soup nourishes the body easily and helps to build up the muscles. You can add a  little bit of salt and spices like Pepper powder, Cumin powder etc. to improve the flavor. It is beneficial to improve the appetite and corrects problems associated with digestion. It is also good for the eyes and heals chronic wounds and ulcers.

Powdered, roasted Rice drink

Consuming Powdered roasted Rice with little amount of water and sugar keeps the body hydrated and provides immediate strength to the body. It is more beneficial if consumed after taking a bath in cold water. It relieves thirst, hunger and fatigue.

Since it doesn't easily digest, it would be better to avoid this food during night times.

Ragi Milk

Ragi is highly nutritious and gives cooling effects to the body. It is also good for Skin diseases, mental illness, Diabetes etc.

Ragi flour and Milk is nourishing to the body. We can make changes in Ragi recipes according to our preferences.

Add 2 teaspoon Ragi flour to 4 glasses of boiling milk. Stir the milk continuously till it starts to become condensed. You may add sugar if you prefer.

Water kept in Clay Pot

It is considered drinking Cold water kept in clay pot relieves Alcoholic intoxication, exhaustion, fainting, vomiting, fatigue, giddiness, thirst, burning sensation, bleeding conditions and poison.

Buttermilk with Pepper powder and Sugar

Buttermilk is a product made by churning the butter from Yogurt. Buttermilk along with Pepper powder and sugar is nourishing, brings stability and improves taste.

Usually Buttermilk is easy to digest and useful in many inflammatory conditions, Urinary tract infection, Anorexia, Abdominal distension, Malabsorption syndrome, Splenomegaly etc.

Arrowroot powder

Arrowroot powder is easily digestible and highly nutritious. It helps to enhance the Immunity and cure digestive disorders.

Mix 1/4th teaspoon of Arrowroot powder to 1 Glass of boiling Milk or Water. We can add Sugar/Jaggery for sweetness. Try to consume in Liquid form especially in Summer season.

Tender Coconut water

It possesses sweet, coolant, unctuous and aphrodisiac properties. Relieves thirst and cleanses urinary bladder.


Milk is sweet, unctuous and coolant by nature. It relieves exhaustion, dizziness, thirst and hunger. It helps prevent dysuria, bleeding disorders etc. and also helps to boost the immunity.

Sugarcane Juice

Drinking fresh Sugarcane juice is refreshing to mind and body. It is nutritive and helps to gain weight. Fresh Sugarcane is good for preventing urinary disorders.


Intake of all fruits is good to prevent dehydration. Most of the fruits are rich in Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants. Fruits like Gooseberry, Grapes etc. are specially mentioned in Classical Ayurvedic texts.

According to the classical Ayurvedic text Ashtangahridaya, Grape is considered best among fruits. It is an aphrodisiac and is good for the eyes. It helps to purify the blood and promotes the elimination of urine and bowel. Relieves acute and chronic respiratory ailments, intoxication, thirst and fever.

Vegetable salad

Intake of Vegetables which are rich in water content is good in Summer. Try to include leafy vegetables in salads in everyday meals.

Vegetable and fruit juices relieve dizziness, hunger, thirst and fatigue. Juices are generally nourishing, diuretic and good to the heart. Further uses and properties depend on the ingredients from which it is prepared.

Here are few other regimens mentioned in Ayurveda to follow during Summer season

  • Take shower twice  a day with cold water. Use roots of Khas Khas grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) as body scrubber.
  • Applying Sandalwood paste on the body at night helps to relieve exhaustion due to heat.
Things needed to  avoid/reduce  during Summer

  • Intense Physical exercise.
  • Use of salt, pungent or sour foods.
  • Exposure to sunlight.
  • Intake of Alcohol
Use of Alcohol in large quantities during Summer leads to the cause of inflammatory conditions, burning sensation, weakness, delusions etc.

As long as we take necessary precautions and follow suitable seasonal food regimens, our body should be able to cope up with the effects of changing seasons.


  1. Thanks for putting across such a useful info..In fact I have tried a few of them and it really makes our diet healthy and balanced..


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