Managing Autism Spectrum Disorder with Ayurveda

Parents with Autistic children are trying to find better options to make their children's life easier.  Since there is no known cure for Autism Spectrum Disorder, early intervention and treatment can have a great impact in their life. In Ayurveda, herbal medications, right diet and therapies are considered as beneficial to improve the quality of life. Many are unaware about the role of Ayurveda in Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Because of the variability of symptom expression, Autism is considered as a Spectrum Disorder. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) indicates a group of neuro-developmental disabilities including problems in social communication and repetitive patterns of behavior.

Genetic susceptibility and environmental factors have a major role in the cause of Autism Spectrum Disorder. The chances for a child in a family to have ASD, is around 20 percent if the child's sibling has Autism Spectrum Disorder. If it is related to the maternal antibodies, the risk is as high as 99 percent.

Following are some of the features of ASD.

  • Abnormalities with eye contact and body language.
  • Absence of interest in other people.
  • Adverse response to certain sounds or textures.
  • Difficulty in sharing, imaginative play, making friends.
  • Echolalia.
  • Excessive smelling or touching.
  • Extreme distress at small changes.
  • Failure of back and forth conversation.
  • Failure to initiate and respond to social interactions.
  • Flipping of objects.
  • Hand flapping.
  • Idiosyncratic speech.
  • Indifference to pain or temperature.
  • Insistence of the same route/ food choice.
  • Motor stereotypies.
  • Poor integrated verbal or non-verbal communication.
  • Reduced sharing of interest.
  • Repetitive speech.
  • Rocking.
  • Strong attachment to unusual objects.
  • Total lack of facial expression or use of gesture.
  • Visual fascinations.

Presently the average age for the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder is 4 years. Only 50 percent are identified by the age of 3 years. Early identification of the disease is very important for better prognosis. If we could start the treatment early, we can expect a better outcome since there is much more developmental plasticity in the younger brain.

Red flags and indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Infants and Toddlers


Lack or delay in spoken language is often a sign and symptom. Limited or inappropriate play, limited interest in other children, limited sharing of interest, sensory avoidant behaviors like refusing to wear shoes or clothes etc. are the characteristic features of development in toddlers.

Red flags and indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorder in preschool

  • Lack of joint attention, imitation and social referencing.
  • Delay in spoken language, difference in communication. Lack of spontaneous functional play.
  • Limited range of affection and emotion.
  •  Difficulty in anticipating events and dealing with change.

Often during preschool years, children need support from their parents due to delay in language or due to extreme tantrum or problematic behavior. Usually children may not play with toys in manners that they are designed for and there may be extreme distress when someone attempts to get the child to play with toys in a different way. 

The rate of Autism Spectrum Disorder is increasing nowadays. According to DSM-5 (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders), Autism Spectrum Disorder is categorized in three levels based on the social communication and repetitive patterns of behavior. These levels help to identify the severity of symptoms.

Ayurvedic way of management

Concepts and principles described in Ayurveda are entirely different from Western medicine. In Ayurveda, we cannot apply the same treatment methodology for all the patients even for the same disease. Ayurvedic management is subjective. This is based on Doshas (foundational concept of Ayurveda), Dhatus (tissues), Malas (waste products) and Agni (digestive fire) of an individual.

Autistic children are always associated with microbial imbalance. Changes in the gut microbes leads to many gastrointestinal issues and immune dysregulations. Recent studies now prove the connection between microbial imbalance and behavioral changes. In Ayurveda, there is a Sanskrit word called Ama to indicate metabolic toxins. According to Ayurveda, these metabolic toxins can obstruct different functional channels of the body (Srotas) causing malfunction of these channels and express various symptoms of the disease. Most of the Autistic features are related with Vata dosha. Ayurvedic physicians can easily identify the Doshas involved in each symptom. So accordingly, they can plan the treatment.

For Autism Spectrum Disorder, Ayurvedic treatment aims at enhancement of gastric fire, removal of metabolic toxins, equilibrium of Doshas and increased immunity. These treatments can make remarkable outcomes in the child's behavior.

Treatment starts by increasing the digestive fire to regulate the metabolic functions. Once we could regulate the digestive fire, we can easily remove the metabolic toxins. There are some measures in Ayurveda to increase the digestive fire. Some diets and internal medications are capable of increasing the digestive fire. Few of them are below (selection of particular medicines or diet choices vary from one patient to another).

  •  Rajanyadi choornam (Classical herbal Powder with Turmeric as the main ingredient).
  •  Ashta choornam (Classical formulations with eight ingredients).
  • Ginger juice with Honey
  • Trikatu choornam (Powdered Black Pepper, Long Pepper and Dried Ginger) with Honey.
  • Shadangapaneeya (Herbal liquid preparation).
  • Nagara Panaka (Herbal liquid preparation).
  • Buttermilk with Ginger and Curry leaves.
  • Spices like Cardamom, Cloves, Cinnamon etc.
  • Bitter herbs.

In order to correct the Doshas into equilibrium state, various medications and therapies are mentioned in Ayurveda. Many detoxification therapies are difficult to implement among children.

Commonly practiced Ayurvedic therapies in Autistic children are the following.
  • Oil massage on head and body.
  • Sirodhara with Taila (Oil), Takra (mixture of Buttermilk and herbs) or Ksheera (mixture of Milk and Herbs).
  • Thalapothichil.
  • Siro Pichu.
  • Thalam.
  • Dhoomapana (Fumigation therapy).
  • Pratimarsa Nasya.
  • Siro Vasthi.

Administration of Medicated ghee is found to be beneficial in Autism Spectrum Disorder but it is recommended only after correcting the Ama (accumulated metabolic toxins). Mahakallyanaka ghrutham, Dadimadi ghrutham etc. are useful to make behavioral changes. According to the patient’s constitution and symptom expressions some single herbs like Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Yastimadu (Glycyrrhyza glabra) etc. work on mind and body.

Immune boosting medication and diets help to get physical and mental strength to the children.

When it comes to the diet plan, first we need to consider avoiding food which aggravates autistic features. Milk and all dairy products, Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats or any product from these grains (Casein free and Gluten free diet), Junk foods, Pista, Cashew nut, Peanut, Almond, non-vegetarian foods etc. should be avoided. As the gastrointestinal system is disturbed, these food items are hard to digest and lead more inflammation to the Intestinal mucosal barrier. Apart from these, studies show that eating or drinking milk protein leads to high levels of protein by-products in some cases and it causes confusion, impairment in social communication, difference in sensory regulations, behavioral changes etc. 

All vegetables and fruits are good but intake of Potato, Carrot, Beetroot etc. which are hard to digest need to be reduced. Parents can arrange diet preparations according to their wish including the following items: Vegetable soups, fruit juices, Rice soups, Finger Millet, Black Pepper, Ginger or Ginger juice, Honey, Black Pepper, Garlic, Cumin seeds, Carom seeds, Cardamom, Cinnamon,  Cloves, Turmeric powder, Curry leaves, Mint, Coriander leaves etc. These help to increase the immunity power. Practice of Yoga and Pranayama also helps to enhance immunity. 

Autism Spectrum Disorder management is a group work. It includes parental training, peer training, Speech-language therapy, Behavioral and Cognitive therapy, natural treatment strategies, self-management, social skill training etc. Different treatment plans help to reduce symptoms, improve cognitive ability and living skills. These therapies can be selected according to the child's individual need.

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